Monday, 9 November 2009

Research/ Progress

As time goes by the deadline approaches and these tutorials are only worth 20% of this module, but it seems to take me so long to complete them. I've never been very good at anything to be honest, I've only ever been 'ok', because of this I'm very happy with my performance, as I'm getting there even though its taking me longer to pick these things up. Dont get me wrong I'm not what you call 'slow' or 'thick' I'm inteligent, yes I have my 'blonde' moments, but I'm just some what programmed to not be amazing at anything unfortunately. But I'm trying my best and my project will be completed, because something I am good at is putting in effort and trying my best.

When first looking at the brief I had a strong idea of what path I want my project to take, it is going to consist of a strong theme of 'Space' planets, stars whatever fits really, which takes the sci-fi that the client is interested in, therefore he should like it. To help me get a good idea of what I wanted and to give me some inspiration really I did a bit of research, looked for images on google to see what was already out there.

The first image I came acroos was that of planet hollywood, which I have been to, don't think I have a picture of it though. From this it made me realise how popular sci-fi is within the world, I dont like things like star trek but I would be attracted to go to a building that looked like that. It is however quite in your face not sure if thats what I want, but its a beautiful building none the less.

This is another exterior view of a building with a space theme, I think the architecture for this is amazing, its eligant and slender. The chosen lighting also shows of the curves.

This building is quite the opposite of the above building, it is bulky and reminds me of the space centre in florida that I went to on holiday a few years ago, if only i'd known about this project then, I would have payed more attention and taken lots of photographs.

Yes this isn't a real building it's lego. But it just shows that a simple building accessorized with space objects in the surroundings can make a normal building look space themed, which may well be the effect I go for. It also shows sci-fi as an interest in a different age group.

It doesn't say but this could well be the interior for the slender/curvey looking building. There isn't any obvious space themed objects, but for me it seems like the lighting and the glass wall ( which means you can see the sky/ moon/ stars ) give off the effect, so it has looks of a strong theme but with less effort. It also appears quite classy.

Now for me this is the most space/ futuristic themed image I've found so far, it just looks amazing. The complete opposite to the above image, even the lights look like they represent planets, its much more what I'm going for ( I think:S )

The one thing I have noticed is that there seems to be a lot of sphere shaped objects used, that is something that I will definutely take away with me and incorporate into my designs/ models as much as possible. I'm guessing that is because it is the shape of planets, and making a star shape would be a bit awkward to create into something useable.

To be honest with you I had started my projects previously and after researching I thought they looked pretty awful, to basic, for instance my external view looked like a normal view, and what I have of the inside is obviously the same shape, unfortunately I didnt think to show my external view before I started modifying it, I do have my internal though, which I will change to fit in with the shape of my external view in a second. I will however keep similar aspects, it will only be the actual shape that will be changed, as I thought it was pretty boring before and I want my building to stand out. I have drawn sketch's of my old views, so I will put them on here, along with the new sketches which I will need to do later, so you can see the difference.

This is the start of my original internal view didnt get very far but still, this will be changed in a bit.

This is my external view so far which I just created as there isn't that much detail yet, I have however decided to make the building glass, not sure how well you can see that in this render though.

This is the internal view at its current stage, as you can tell i've focused on the outside view for now, yes it does look a bit like a big banana with just a yellow texture, but as I think I want it to have a gold glittery texture this was the closest thing as I haven't been able to find a good one yet.

Because there is no detail inside yet, you can't really tell the dimensions but I asure you it is 3D.

I'm a bit comfused as to how to add more than one texture to an object, so I asked my lecturer for advice, she said there's some tutorials by 'Neil Hirsig' on it, which brought me back to that tutorial we'd done using more than one colour, i wondered if that would work the same way. Anyway I looked through his tutorials and found one called' Multiple Textures' that I will work through in a second, but firstly I found one about adding mist, I thought that sounded interesting so I decided to give it a go.

I found it really ineresting to learn that by doing the slighest changest such as different in 'Height' or 'Misi' the effect can be completetly different. I originally thought i'd try the tutorial as if could be something I could use in my external view, but after trying it out I'm not so sure as I'm worried that it could cover up most of the detail, but it would help give a mysterious/ spacey effect, so I may add the effect but use a low height so that it is only around the floor. I hope by doing this however that you can still see the texture detail in the concrete etc.

Next onto what I've been waiting for, I really hope it helps me with my problems, such as how to add the sign. And I'm going to need to use it alot when doing the internal view I'm sure.

I used the planet earth as my first texturre, then put the foil suggested as the second texture, to be honest I dont think that they appear very clearly due to the light blue background colour behind them, but if we change the background colour to yellow like suggested it gives a completely different effect, you can see the dimesions much clearer as the background colour is more obvious. My only worry at this stage is this isn't what I need I dont want to add two colours over each other, it may come in handy in future, maybe I will need to do this for my Internal view I dont know yet, there is still 10 minutes left so hopefully what I need will come up.

The third example which has all been done on a colour map, with marble's orange colour background and black wax paper, I think the effect is actually quite pretty.
At the end of the tutorial we played around with different settings my favourite was when it was set to 'Hue' I think the effect is interesting to know, and it looked the nicest. Unfortunately that was the end of the tutorial and it didnt have what I wanted to know, So I've just wasted a bit of time on something useless, but I guess I learnt a new skill that might come in handy one day. My next plan of attack is to go back to the tutorial with two different coulours there was a ball and a cross and I'm going to see if that works with textures, it's been a fair few weeks since that tutorial was used so I'm a bit hazy on the details, wish me luck!
Well that didn't work either it only let me do it for colours, this is driving me crazy, roll on monday when I can ask for some more help on this and hopefully get it working arghhh.

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