Monday, 19 October 2009

Week 5: Good So Far

The first task this week was the balls task, it was very simple and straight forward, and I felt like I gained some good skills for future projects.

The next task incorporated the ball and a plane, but added light to the equasion. The only problem I experienced while trying to complete this task was the positon of the ball and the light, I followed the co-ordinate directions for the possitioning, but my ball was not shown in the light, so I have to fiddle around with it manually. I found this task very useful as it helped me gain knowledge of how to add light into 'Blender'.

I found this the easiest challenge so far, I breezed through it, as it was a case of simply adding a lot of light, the only problem I would say is matching the floor pattern, mine wasn't black and white check, but I think the overal effect is just the same.

The next task was to follow a video tutorial on 'organic exstrusion', to being with I had quite a few problems, mainly to do with positioning, but that was because it was unclear in the tutorial, but I worked it out on my own eventually, and got a lovely effect at the end. I decided to add a colour to it to make it look nicer.

After finishing the tasks I decided to create a vase, I only used the turtorial listed briefly, just using parts of it, as I wanted to see how much I can do independantly, and I was pleasantly suprised, I found my use of light and textures from previous tutorials had sunk in, here is my end result:
The use of marble and wood as textures isn't very clearly shown in this screen shot, but I think they work well together.

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