Monday, 12 October 2009

Week 4: Getting there

Today we had to make a chair, firstly the tutorial had so many errors it was crazy, why did the person creating it not proof read ay? After assistance from the lecturer I was on my way, occured a few problems throughout the tutorial mainly to do with view aspects, but I feel these are conquered now as should help me out for the future.Due to the problems within the tutorial I feel a lot of my own skills were used as I had to correct myself by test and error, and previous weeks work. Finally I made the seat green as there was no direction to colour/ texture the model but I thought it looked nicer.

The task this week was to make a paper clip, this was much more awkward than I imagined and I took much more time than I would have liked to complete this part of the task, the final result is not a smooth around the edges as i'd like but I did use the curve technique, and have made a paper clip and after the many trial and error ways of trying to make it i'm very happy!

The banana task has taken me to hell and back its taken me 2 hours to get the following result:
I moddelled around the banana perfectly 3 times, so why is it so mishapen, I have tried exstruding deleting parts and much more I cant think what else to do, the main problem is that the initial box in the middle looks so blocky and then the lines where the boxes were exstruded are obvious, I think with more practise I would find out why these problems have occured, I found the initial begining around the picture very useful and quick and easy to do, its just after that that I have a problem, I hope in future weeks this problem would go away.

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