Sunday, 25 October 2009

Week 6: Progression

The first task this week was to follow a video task called multiple materials, it consisted of creating a sphere and adding many different layers of colour textures on it. I found the task itself relitively easy, and useful as it's a key tool that I will use through out my use of 'Blender'. The only problem I did have was getting it to box straight, it kept missing some out, so at the end I have to go back and select some individually, which to be honest wasn't a bad thing as it gave me more experience on it. I think this might have been because the tutorial was using less segments than me.

The next task was to create a stem to go with the rose created last week, i tried various methods to complete this task, but the simplest was right infront of me, exstrude from a cube, so after stupid ways that didnt work, I created it that way. After creating the stem I decided to texture the whole thing, as the flat colours didnt make it look realistic at all, so I looked for rose and stem textures and textured them, I am quite pleased with the result, just anoyed that I looked past what would have been easier and much quicker to complete, yet again I waste my time doing things that dont work.

The next task was to create a scene using 'Extrude Dup', When I first looked at the scene to base it upon I was like how am I going to do that, it's strange as for our main project I have a fair idea how to complete it, and this must be simpler surely. I quickly begin and the first process's seem fairly simple, create a plain, give it some life with bumps etc, then to make some pod like buildings, thats simple also, I then thought to make it look really nice i'd add some textures to make it look realistic, I decided to make the pod's metal and the ground mud, below is a shot of my work so far, as I am quite nervous about making the tunnels as when doing the tutorial as to how to do it, mine kept going wrong, but I will give it a go now.

I decided to make the tunnel in another blender file as I dont really have room to make it on the main file:

It was much easier to make than I thought it would be, this screen shot shows the tunnel with straight parts and flexible parts, I then thought it would be best to copy it into my main file, as I need to see where it's going to be able to decide when it needs to bend etc, but when I came to do it I couldn't find a way of doing it, I researched online and found a solution, however when I try to do it an error message comes up, so it looks like i'm going to need to make it on my main project if that's even possible.

Started the grass task while I try and work out how to get my tunnel onto my main file, found it pretty simple and straight forward, I have no idea that such a great effect would be so easy to create, I found it very useful, and I will probily use it for the exterior of my building for my main project

Right so after a few problems with opening files I finally finished that space scene, I'm pretty pleased with it, just anoyed that so much time was wasted on it.

I textured the floor with mud, the circular pods with metal, the square pod with a different metal and the tunnels with marble. Creating the tunnels using the 'exstrude dup' was the hardest part I found, it took me a fair few attempts to get it right.

Monday, 19 October 2009

Week 5: Good So Far

The first task this week was the balls task, it was very simple and straight forward, and I felt like I gained some good skills for future projects.

The next task incorporated the ball and a plane, but added light to the equasion. The only problem I experienced while trying to complete this task was the positon of the ball and the light, I followed the co-ordinate directions for the possitioning, but my ball was not shown in the light, so I have to fiddle around with it manually. I found this task very useful as it helped me gain knowledge of how to add light into 'Blender'.

I found this the easiest challenge so far, I breezed through it, as it was a case of simply adding a lot of light, the only problem I would say is matching the floor pattern, mine wasn't black and white check, but I think the overal effect is just the same.

The next task was to follow a video tutorial on 'organic exstrusion', to being with I had quite a few problems, mainly to do with positioning, but that was because it was unclear in the tutorial, but I worked it out on my own eventually, and got a lovely effect at the end. I decided to add a colour to it to make it look nicer.

After finishing the tasks I decided to create a vase, I only used the turtorial listed briefly, just using parts of it, as I wanted to see how much I can do independantly, and I was pleasantly suprised, I found my use of light and textures from previous tutorials had sunk in, here is my end result:
The use of marble and wood as textures isn't very clearly shown in this screen shot, but I think they work well together.

Monday, 12 October 2009

Week 4: Getting there

Today we had to make a chair, firstly the tutorial had so many errors it was crazy, why did the person creating it not proof read ay? After assistance from the lecturer I was on my way, occured a few problems throughout the tutorial mainly to do with view aspects, but I feel these are conquered now as should help me out for the future.Due to the problems within the tutorial I feel a lot of my own skills were used as I had to correct myself by test and error, and previous weeks work. Finally I made the seat green as there was no direction to colour/ texture the model but I thought it looked nicer.

The task this week was to make a paper clip, this was much more awkward than I imagined and I took much more time than I would have liked to complete this part of the task, the final result is not a smooth around the edges as i'd like but I did use the curve technique, and have made a paper clip and after the many trial and error ways of trying to make it i'm very happy!

The banana task has taken me to hell and back its taken me 2 hours to get the following result:
I moddelled around the banana perfectly 3 times, so why is it so mishapen, I have tried exstruding deleting parts and much more I cant think what else to do, the main problem is that the initial box in the middle looks so blocky and then the lines where the boxes were exstruded are obvious, I think with more practise I would find out why these problems have occured, I found the initial begining around the picture very useful and quick and easy to do, its just after that that I have a problem, I hope in future weeks this problem would go away.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Week 3:Arghhhhhh

I had a good clear head, was feeling good about this week then I try and open my prevously created pill from last week, and theres an error! It wouldnt let me open anything I've previously made and I have no idea why, so to start the first task for this week I had to make the pill AGAIN!! What a waste of my time, the only positive with this is that it enabled me to become more confident with the tools and skills i'd learnt, i rushed through so it's probily not perfect but it works. The strangest thing is that when I started making the pill I saved it early on and closed 'Blender' just to check that it would save before I did to much and it opened fine, so I am completely clueless.

Anyway back to the task at hand. I wasnt sure what to submit as evidence of completing the rendering task, but decided a whole view would be the best thing, as it shows the size of the end render at 25% in proportion to the screen size. I found this task very straight forward, and interesting to learn about the different ways of rendering within 'Blender'.

I found the mountain task very interesting and the knowledge learnt valuable, especially in reference to environments, the task was straight forward and simple to complete.

The challenge was simple to complete as it just follows the same rules as the original mountain task, I am pretty happt with how to turned out, however to make the up mountain in the middle I had to create it off centre which I found pretty strange but it worked so it doesnt matter.

The fruit task

I spend about 2 hours creating fruit which became very straight forward just had a lot of problems with creating the plate it just looks awful so deleted it, tried to make a plate out of a plane and that didnt work out either, so i'm gonna take a break and think things through and come back to this task in a few days.

Right my lesson was cancelled today so I had some free time, and thought i'd have another go at the fruit task, and I did so happy with the result took a while to get there but i've done it, didn't use the tutorial for the plate as it didnt look right when I tried it yesterday instead I created a UV Sphere and put half of it off to make a bowl, the stalks were the most fidley part I tried various ways but in the end decided to use skills I'd learnt from trying the plate tutorial yesterday, I did the same process but made a stalk shape as oppossed to a plate. the fruit was very simple just spend a while trying to make them look smooth. Below is my final result.