Sunday, 7 February 2010

Week 3: Animation

First tutorial pretty simple and effective however I did mess up half way through and wonder why it wasnt working and starting it over again realised i'd named the wrong thing so the camera wouldnt rotate oh well sorted now.
However I am starting to wonder whats all the fuss about the monkey template why a monkey and not an elephant?

The next tutorial was easy to follow, however at the end I felt mine did look like the cylinders were crushing the rectangle but it didnt look like mine were moving like his so I went back to the middle and tried it again and got the same result, I'm guessing maybe its more like an alussion. The only difference with mine is that I exstruded the cross from the cylinder and he said he made it from a box so maybe that's the problem so thats something to consider in the future.

I was really dreading this weeks tutorials because of the task i'd seen that we had to do like worrying about it all day I was at work, but now i've done it it doesnt seen so bad, I guess thats because I just learnt the skills to do it. I rendered out two versions one with a standard camera and one with the camera path fly around effect on it. When it come to the initial process using the lattice etc that was fine I had no problems what so ever it was very clear in my mind still, but when it came to rotating the cylinders I got stumbled and played around a little bit, it was then that I realised how easy it was, that was because when I was rotating it in the y and z axis it kept moving the object but on the x axis it was fine so problem solved. This had made me feel a bit more confident as after last weeks disaster I was really worried like dreading doing the tutorial section of this course, I just really hope that they continue to go aswell as today, but knowing my luck they wont.

This is the render with a normal standard camera shot.

This is the render with the moving camera, after watching them both I prefer the standard shot you can see the process clearer, plus the quality doesn't seem as good on this one even I rendered them both on the same setting strange!

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