Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Week 1 Continued: The Jigsaw Pieces Finally Fit

Alfter much playing around today, everything finally clicked, I decided to look into different views why had I not thought of this before, it was by doing this that I became able to see the object I was making in 3D whereas it was only 2D before making the object in creation very misleading, it is due to this that i believe my previous attempts to be displayed on its side. When looking at the 'Castle' challenge before it appeared very daunting, how would I be able to make this from the front view alone? Well now I've worked out to see it in 3D my camera display looks the same as the one on the tutorial, and I feel like I can attempt the 'Castle' challenge.

Before attempting the 'Castle' challenge I tried to create the house again with the knowledge I gained in the last few hours, and it was on its side it wasnt until I rotated it that it was upright, however when rendering I still had the same problem that it faded to black, but I got a quick screen print before it disapeared.

So far I have found this software to be shockingly useless or just very unstraight forward, I have been trying to complete tasks and then clicking something by accident and having to start from scratch as there is no undo button, its rediculous, also where is a rotate view or zoom in and out button as the work I am creating is becoming very inaccurate. I had just completed the 'Castle task to then find it not to render, while trying to solve this problem the model just turned on a weird angle and looks rediculous and I cant get it back so I have yet again just wasted more of my time, After feeling positive towards this software I have been torn back again, now i've got to start all over again!

After a very stressful hour I have completed the castle, I am not very happy with the result as because of the lack of zoom and rotate option I have not been able to make it completely accurate, but atleast it is finally completed, and because of so many attempts the final one took literaly two seconds as I was learning short cuts of how to do things as I went along.
The anoying this is i'm sure I will look back at this and think how did I manage to stuggle with completing such a simple task, I attempted to fix the problem of how to rotate and zoom by searching online for short cuts but they only resulted in my work disapearing. I will ask my lecturer next class how to and it will be as simple as pressing a button.

1 comment:

  1. On the issue of undo

    It's a little unclear as Blender sort of assumes you know short cuts but there is an undo feature

    Ctrl + Z for Undo and Ctrl + Y for redo : )

    Also the zoom and rotate are there. Scroll button on mouse zooms in and out and I believe pressing R after selecting an object activates rotate
